Schneller. Noch schneller.

Obree's "Beastie". Photo credit

2013 World Human Powered Speed Challenge at Battle Mountain, Nevada.

Kurzer Bericht hier von Bicycle Design hier als noch nichts entschieden war mit vielen Links. Nun gibt es einen neuen Weltrekord mit fast 134 km/hr durch das holländische Velox3 Team. Bericht auf Bike Radar.

Pilot rider sebastiaan bowier poses with the world's fastest bike, the velo x3: pilot rider sebastiaan bowier poses with the world's fastest bike, the velo x3

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Eingeordnet unter 2013, Ingenieur, Mob

Eine Antwort zu “Schneller. Noch schneller.

  1. Great to see a new record. … Lots of Dutch HPVs at PBP and LEL .. and even a few from California at Rocky Mountain 1200 last year. Now I would like them to design a recumbent with partial fairing that allows a cyclist to get to 1/2 the world recod speed and still put a foot down when he/she needs to stop or maneuver, that is decent for climbing, and possible to bring via airline luggage instead of requiring its own trailer or large SUV to get to/from the event. … We are still aways away.

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